South Jersey originated and a hater of zodiac tattoos, J Bliss pulls his jokes from everyday observations, whether that’s shopping for watches, experiencing gas pump harassment, or trying to differentiate between donkeys and pit bulls.
Up Next in Season 6
Dummy Magnet
Frustrated with his life long curse as a dummy magnet, Mike Gaffney complains about doctors with single prescriptions, fit-bits that demand movement to prove life, and children who never move out.
Jokes & Voices
Brian Apprille is down 153 lbs from Super Morbidly Obese, an overrated super power he blames solely on Homer Simpson. Brian jokes about the endless circle of Pictionary, Dr. Evil's relation to Snape, and a one-time taekwondo class.
The Favorite
Glen Tickle apologizes for his last name, explains the things only professional comedians have time for, and tells all the stories he's only allowed to tell on stage.